Voices of Hiya: Andrea Moreno

This year, we launched Voices of Hiya, a new monthly blog series where we spotlight one outstanding Hiyan to share more about our team and what it’s like to work at Hiya. Every aspect of our employees, both inside and outside of work, makes our team special.

This month, we’re featuring Andrea Moreno, carrier customer marketing manager at Hiya. Andrea recently relocated from Miami, Florida, to Seattle, Washington. Read on to discover her impact at Hiya and what makes her a critical member of our community. 

Why were you interested in working at Hiya? 

At first glance, I was drawn to the positive vibe from everyone I interviewed with. Then, I became interested in the solution and the potential for expansion in the market.

What is your role at Hiya?

I develop and execute marketing strategies tailored to our carrier partners and potential partners. I analyze global scam and fraud trends, manage the carrier newsletter, and connect with voice security associations such as the Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA) and SIPNOC to stay informed about new industry developments that can influence marketing strategies. 

Furthermore, my role entails constantly searching for industry events where we can participate as thought leadership speakers, among many other responsibilities.

What do you enjoy most about working at Hiya? 

What I appreciate most about working at Hiya is our dedication to improving people’s voice call experience. We operate in the same arena as scammers to understand their tactics thoroughly, enabling us to identify and close all loopholes to enhance voice security.

What are the qualities of a perfect teammate? 

I can trust that a perfect teammate will have my back just as I'll have theirs. Transparency, respect for diversity, openness to feedback, collaboration, and communication are critical components of every relationship.

Can you share a memorable moment or project you worked on? 

Wow, there are so many experiences; each one taught me something. One that I particularly enjoyed was working at MWC Barcelona 2023. It was the first time Hiya participated, and I was responsible for overseeing the execution of the logistics. It was a great experience to see the entire company and different departments collaborate toward the same goal, taking the Hiya name pridefully to THE most prominent event in the industry.

How has working at Hiya helped you grow? 

It has allowed me to overcome my weaknesses and seek new challenges to enhance my skills.

What does your ideal Recharge Day off look like? 

I wake up early for my 3-mile morning run, followed by a pickleball class. After this, I'm very flexible and can either spend half a day catching up on my TV shows while playing with Mocca la loca (my dog) or take care of personal errands to start the weekend.

Android or Apple? 

I choose Apple, 100%. I don’t understand Androids at all.

What’s your favorite emoji? 

🌗 Because everything and everyone in life has its light and shadow.

What is your favorite meal? 

I’m a pasta lover, so I'm down for anything with truffle oil, shrimp, mushrooms, and white sauces!

Where is home for you? 

I've been fortunate to consider several places as "home." My homeland is Venezuela 🇻🇪, followed by the country that embraced me for the last decade 🇺🇸 (specifically, Southeast Florida and Miami). Currently, home is where my heart feels loved and warm.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

I want the freedom to enjoy any food I desire without overexerting myself at the gym or running to burn off the calories.

What’s your dream trip? Or, what’s the next place you want to visit? 

I want to have an 'Eat, Pray, Love' experience, but that's a goal for a later stage in my life. My next adventure will be to London for the London Marathon (April 2024), and after that, I want to embark on the 'Camino de Santiago' trail in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia.

What motivates you to do your best every day? 

I aspire to create a meaningful impact, advocating that smiles and a good laugh are free. Recognizing that everyone faces unique challenges, I emphasize the importance of empathy. A simple smile or an authentic laugh at something silly can transform someone's chaotic day into a reassurance that “this too shall pass” (I even have that quote tattooed on my arm).

My daily motivation stems from the conviction that we are more than a 9 to 5 job, extending beyond the confines of the 24 hours in a day and transcending the notion of being mere recipients of a paycheck.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

I was at a birthday celebration for someone turning 99. I had the privilege of sharing a drink with this remarkable lady and inquired about the secret to reaching her age in one piece (remarkably, she was driving and leading an everyday life at 99 years old). 

In her distinct Cuban accent, she succinctly advised, “Make sure to treat people with respect.” Then she humorously added, “Oh, and have a little whisky before bed.”


Stay tuned for next month’s Voices of Hiya, where we'll highlight another team member who makes up our wonderful organization.

If you are interested in adding your voice to the Hiya team, check out our careers page to explore open opportunities.