FCC Proposes $37.5 Million Fine Against Company Spoofing Consumers

Robocall scammers have taken their schemes to another level. They are now using your mom, co-worker, or even a local neighbor’s phone number to reel victims into their new spoofing campaign.

However, the FCC had had enough and put their foot down by proposing a $37.5 million fine against the Arizona-based company that allegedly made 2.3 million spoofed telemarketing calls.

Beginning in 2016, the consumer spoofing campaign lasted for about 14 months, which not only included legitimate consumer phone numbers, but also used unassigned phone numbers or numbers on burner phones. Since the spoofing did not include the caller’s actual name and number, it violates caller ID laws.

The fine has not been confirmed, since the FCC is still waiting on a response from the company about their settlement proposal, but they have also fined a man for $82 million for making 21 million robocalls using spoofed numbers.