Hiya recently released our State of the Call report for 2022. We saw a very clear trend: not only is voice growing in terms of popularity, but it is also the primary way that people connect with brands, providers, co-workers, and friends. This is especially important for businesses in the financial services sector. Whether you’re a bank, a credit card company, or a wealth manager, the voice channel should be a key component of your business strategy. In fact, more than 93% of financial professionals say that their phone use has increased, or stayed the same, over the last year.
Here’s a sneak peek at the top five stand out trends from this year’s findings:
- 94% of individuals surveyed believe that unidentified calls are fraudulent—however, 15.7% of consumers also indicated that calls from a financial institution were the most frustrating to have missed this past year.
- 58% of financial institutions said there was a monetary impact as a result of an inability to reach customers/prospects via phone. Financial professionals reported that all areas of businesses were negatively impacted by at least 50% more than the overall surveyed average.
- When asked, “Have you ever lost a customer or deal because you couldn’t reach them by phone”? Financial professionals responded “yes” 68% of the time—with the vast majority stating this had happened more than once.
- 52% of financial institutions believe that the singular key to increased answer rates is branding their calls and ensuring they don’t get labeled as spam. However, an additional 14% agree that branding calls would create a positive impact.
Want to learn more? Download this year’s State of the Call!