The holidays! Filled with sugar, spice, and everything nice! Or, is that the Powerpuff Girls? Regardless, it’s a time many look forward to. And for retailers, it’s a time you know you’ll be busy. An uptick in demand for products means increased sales and revenue.
But for big-box retailers, it also means an increase in scams. These scammers know that, in the hustle and bustle of the happiest time of the year, they can catch unsuspecting consumers off guard while pretending to be a brand the consumer knows and trusts. In the best cases, these scams are annoying. In the worst cases, these scams rob innocent people out of their hard-earned money--sometimes, their entire life savings. Fraudsters love to leverage times of urgency and desperate need to run scam campaigns; so, as you can imagine, the holiday season is ripe for the picking.
Oftentimes, the way these scammers reach innocent consumers is through tapping into the phone lines of a reputable business’s own call center. This is called spoofing, and accounts for millions of dollars in lost revenue annually. Not only does this take advantage of vulnerable people, it also damages the brand’s reputation in a major way.
Brands--especially well-known, high-value ones--are under real threat this holiday season. The best way for these brands to protect their call centers is through Secure Call. Secure Call protects your valued brand and your customers from these fraudulent calls and schemes. Hiya helps you monitor the phone network for evidence that your company may be potentially targeted by bad actors. And with Secure Call we can help ensure that your numbers are not hijacked to make these scams even more believable. To find 5 Tips for Contact Centers During an Unprecedented Holiday Season, click here.