Hiya Number Registration provides all the benefits of Free Caller Registry and more. Here’s why you should upgrade to Hiya Number Registration today.
Businesses are struggling to connect with their customers over the phone in an environment with rampant spam and fraud. Businesses can take the first step to improve connections by registering their numbers — which establishes them as a legitimate caller and reduces the risk that their own calls will be flagged as spam.
Since Hiya believes that phone number registration is your basic right, we recently introduced a free solution for business number registration called Hiya Number Registration. With Hiya Number Registration, you can establish yourself as a legitimate business and reduce the likelihood that your calls will be labeled as spam — all for free.
If your business operates in the US, you may be wondering how Hiya Number Registration differs from an existing free service, Free Caller Registry. You might also wonder if you need to register your numbers through both services.
While Hiya Number Registration is similar to Free Caller Registry, it also includes several additional advantages that you won’t get with Free Caller Registry, making it the better choice. And there’s no need to register with both Free Caller Registry and Hiya Number Registration — you need only register with Hiya Number Registration to get all the benefits you would get with Free Caller Registry (and then some).
Here are the main features of Hiya Number Registration that aren’t included in Free Caller Registry:
- Hiya Number Registration supports calls made outside the US – Free Caller Registry is a service in the United States that registers businesses across the major US carriers. Hiya Number Registration (which is also free) gives businesses the same coverage in the US, but also expands the functionality to other countries. Hiya Number Registration is the only registration service that even works for businesses making calls outside the US. If you’re a US business making calls outside the US, Hiya Number Registration will give you the best coverage in more than 40 countries. It also works for non-US businesses making calls outside the US.
- Hiya Number Registration has a self-service console for number management – In addition to all the functionality you get with Free Caller Registry, with Hiya Number Registration you also get complete control and visibility over the registration process with a self-service console. You can register numbers, remove numbers, and confirm your numbers are registered anytime you want. Free Caller Registry does not provide any console or interface you can log into to see or manage your numbers.
- Hiya Number Registration lets you confirm your numbers are registered — and keeps your registration up to date – With Free Caller Registry, you register numbers at a single point in time by submitting a form. There is no way for you to log in and check that your numbers have been registered after the fact. What’s more, if years have passed, you may wonder if those numbers are still registered? Hiya Number Registration gives you confidence that your numbers are registered, now and in the future. In the self-service console, you can check the registration status of your numbers anytime. Once registered, your numbers will stay registered to you — unless you choose to change that.
How to get started
There is no need to register with both Free Caller Registry and Hiya Number Registration. If you haven’t registered your numbers with either service, simply get started with Hiya Number Registration. It’s the one-stop-shop to register your business numbers, no matter if you’re making calls in the US or somewhere else around the globe.
If you’ve already registered with Free Caller Registry, that’s fine too! You can still upgrade to Hiya Number Registration to receive all the added benefits. It’s completely free.
For more information, visit the Hiya Number Registration web page or read our blog post Use Hiya’s business number registration to reduce spam labeling risk.