Customer Experience professionals are tasked with creating a world-class experience for their customers. They are keenly focused on achieving the highest possible customer satisfaction ratings, maximizing customer retention, minimizing churn, and earning referrals from thoroughly satisfied customers.
But how do you measure customer satisfaction? It is possible. And there’s not just one metric that tells the whole story. That’s why Hiya has published an eBook Customer Experience Metrics: 7 Critical Indicators That Gauge Customer Satisfaction.
Here’s one of the metrics you’ll learn about.
Net Promoter Score
This is a commonly tracked metric because it reflects how the public feels about your company or your brand as a whole. While some customer satisfaction surveys measure short-term loyalty, the Net Promoter Score is used to gauge long-term customer loyalty.
The Net Promoter Score is an index that ranges from -100 to +100 and measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services. To start, customers are given a survey in which they rate the company. Depending on the score, customers are graded as promoters, passives, or detractors. The Net Promoter Score is assigned by taking the percent of promoters minus the percent of detractors. Negative scores indicate a company needs improvement. Scores between 0 and 30 are considered good; 30-70 are great, and 70-100 are excellent.
This is a good metric to measure over time to ensure you’re making progress and continuously improving the customer experience.
Learn more
The Net Promoter Score is just one metric to keep an eye on when evaluating the overall customer experience. To discover the other 6 critical indicators that gauge customer satisfaction, download the eBook.