A missed or abandoned call is a missed business opportunity for sales. While call abandonment and connection issues may seem like only a tech problem, they directly tie into your bottom line. If your organization has a high rate of call failure you will engage with customers less and make less revenue.
When a customer disconnects or chooses to hang up before reaching an agent, it is considered an “abandoned call”. High rates of call abandonment typically result in fewer sales. Nothing is more important than your first call with a new customer and, if it goes unanswered, that could mean a loss not just of the initial sale, but of brand loyalty and returning revenue. In the age of spoofing and spam calls, customer trust and customer loyalty are quickly dwindling. Believe it or not, 13% of consumers switch brands purely based on a spoofed call. Customers may no longer have the patience for being left on hold, a bad technical connection, or a confusing sales conversation. Make sure that your tech and your team are up to speed and are ready to operate successfully through the voice channel. It is important to use call metrics and analyzed data to pinpoint the main issues that cause abandoned calls. This could include:
For more information on other helpful sales metrics, be sure to check out our Sales & Marketing Metrics eBook.